Remote working options:
- In accordance with social distancing and to allow remote working we have developed our theory packages to now offer live online groups courses (dependent on numbers). This can be facilitated through discussion with HCEST Manager.
In accordance to recommendations from Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Public Health England and NHS we we have taken reasonable steps to protect participants and reduce risk as far as is practicable. Measures to protect our students include the following:
Good Hygiene:
There will be the following available
- Face masks and gloves will be made available.
- Handwashing facilities providing soap, water, and paper towels, hand sanitisers.
- There will be additional Hand sanitisers in multiple locations in addition to the washroom.
- Signs to increase awareness of good hand washing technique.
- Providing regular reminders on avoiding touching your face and to cough / sneeze into your arm.
- Staff encouraged to bring a change of clothing following training.
Work area:
- Sitting areas will be marked and spaced 2 metres apart.
- Participants will be allocated set work areas for the duration of training.
- Door handles, chairs /desks will be wiped down after each session.
- Mats will be wiped clean after each session.
Common areas:
- Signage will be in place to encourage participants to maintain 2 metre distancing. Including arrows on the stairs and limit of 1 person / social bubble at a time in the lift.
- Side rooms have been made available for breaks
- Kitchen Area will be cleaned thoroughly during the day.
- Toilets and showers will be cleaned regularly.
Practical Training In last resort Physical Intervention
Organisations have requested assistance in the following areas as a result HCEST are pleased to be able to now offer practical training focused on Training new starters, Preparing the workforce for return to operations and Maintaining critical knowledge and skills (Refresher Training).
Measures to reduce risk during practical training include:
- Pre course information will detail participant safety advice and situations when they MUST not attend the course.
- Participant and Trainer body temperature will be checked daily and MUST remain within safe levels (under 37.5), if fever or ANY other symptoms (as per safety advice)are present the individual must leave immediately and HCEST will arrange alternative training dates.
- A minimum of 2x HCEST trainer will be present for all courses, to reduce risk of cross infection during demonstrations.
- Trainers will actively recommend 2 metre social distance between groups throughout.
- Participant’s practical work areas will be measured and allocated for the duration of training to reduce risk of cross infection.
- Hand washing hygiene procedures to be followed before, during and after all Physical Interactions. There will be additional breaks for staff for hand washing.
- Face masks/ shields are mandatory for all practical training.
- HCEST will demonstrate moves with groups to mirror, ensuring 2 metre distance between groups.
- Staff who continually work together can work in small groups
- To reduce the chance of possible cross infection participants to stay in the same group / with same partner throughout the training.