Train the Trainers course – Section 93 of the Education Act
This 5-day CPD accredited ‘train the trainers’ course will be held at our own ideal training location-Woolton
High School, or can be held at your location.
Many settings that we have successfully worked with find the ‘Train the trainer’ model more cost effective, enabling them to cascade training down to their own staff. Each qualified trainer will receive ongoing support of HCEST Trainers. Ideal for staff teams who are supporting children in nursery, primary or secondary school settings, including Mainstream and Specialist provision.
HCEST currently have over 400 accredited trainers within education settings and across the many varied children’s services departments.
This course will enable staff to deliver HCEST level 1 and 2 training covering the following: from primary to secondary age groups. The course content will ensure it covers all current guidelines from the Department of Education. (Section 93 of the Education Act).
Benefits of having your own HCEST in-house Trainer
- You can deliver training to suit your settings individual needs during twilight, Inset, etc.
- Have access to ongoing support of a fully insured company, with a wealth of experience in delivering safe handling and physical Intervention techniques across hundreds of education sector settings.
- Accredited CPD Conflict Resolution Training pack specific to children / young adults.
- Attachment and Trauma informed practise.
Learning outcomes
Trainers will be competent to deliver the following
- In-depth knowledge on how to de-escalate conflict situations, utilising both verbal and none verbal strategies.
- In depth Legal knowledge section 93 of the Education Act, the use of reasonable force in Education settings.
- A full range of last resort, fully risk assessed, physical Interventions, including low level escorting techniques, and de-escalation of holds.
- Skills to prevent a pupil from attacking a member of staff or another pupil, or to stop a fight in the playground. (guidance within education act)
- knowledge on post incident analysis, child /staff support following incidents.
- Correct terminology when completing reporting and recording of incidents.
Examples of Last resort use of physical Interventions.
- Removing disruptive children from a classroom where they have refused to follow an instruction to do so.
- Prevent a pupil behaving in a way that disrupts a school event or a school trip or visit preventing a pupil from attacking a member of staff or another pupil, or to stop a fight in the playground
- Restraint of a pupil at risk of harming themselves through physical outbursts.
In addition, your organisation / setting will also have support and guidance to develop / maintain:
- A policy in relation to physical Interventions.
- A reporting and recording system.
- An environmental Risk assessment of your organisation carried out by HCEST, included in this cost.
- Support ref Liability by HCEST has the required £5 million liability insurance.
- Guarantees which ensure that OFSTED requirements in relation to Physical Interventions / restraint are met comprehensively.
Pricing – Cost of course £1400 per person.
Course numbers – Maximum 15 participants
Contact details: [email protected]