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CPD accredited training

HCEST will ensure that any training delivered will adhere to the latest guidelines.

The following standards must be addressed:

  • Protecting people’s fundamental human rights and promote person centred, best interest and therapeutic approaches to supporting people when they are distressed.
  • Improve the quality of life of those being restrained and those supporting them.
  • Reduce reliance on restrictive practises by promoting positive culture and practise that focuses on prevention de-escalation and reflective practise.
  • Increase understanding of the root causes of behaviour and recognition that many behaviours are the result of distress due to unmet needs.
  • Where required, focus on the safest and most dignified use of restrictive interventions including physical restraint.

Trainers have a wealth of experience delivering training across the Care sector including:

Emergency services – This includes both Emergency and none Emergency crews.
HCEST have been delivering training for over 12 years with the Ambulance Service, courses are specific to the needs of staff following valuable feedback received.

Education – All teaching and support staff.
HCEST have delivered training for over 18 years in Education, including nursery, primary secondary, pupil referral units and special schools.

Elderly Residential Services – Any staff who has patient contact.
HCEST have developed specific training taking into consideration the vulnerability of elderly service users, this course has been designed following valuable input from staff.

Mental Health/ Learning disability services – Any staff who may have patient contact.
HCEST trainers have worked in this sector for over 20 years.
From previous (SHSA) Special Hospital service authority control and restraint Instructor, staff have also a wealth of experience working in low, medium and high secure units.

Social services – Front line staff in Health and Social Care.
HCEST have developed a specific Lone working course, this is vital when any staff are isolated for any reason.